
Journal articles

Curtis M, Winter R, Dietze P, Wilkinson A, Cossar R, Stewart A, Butler T, Aitken C, Kirwan A, Walker S, Stoové M. Is use of opioid agonist treatment associated with broader primary healthcare use among men with recent injecting drug use histories following release from prison in Victoria, Australia? A prospective cohort study. Harm Reduction Journal (accepted 20 March 2023)

Curtis M, Wilkinson A, Dietze P, Stewart A, Kinner S, Cossar R, Nehme E, Aitken C, Walker S, Butler T, Smith K, Stoové M, A prospective study of retention in opioid agonist treatment and contact with emergency healthcare following release from prisons in Victoria, Australia. Emergency Medicine Journal 2023. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2022-212755

Curtis M, Winter RJ, Dietze P, Wilkinson A, Cossar R, Stewart A, Butler T, Aitken C, Kirwan A, Walker S, Stoové M, High rates of resumption of injecting drug use following release from prison among men who injected drugs before imprisonment. Addiction 2022

Stewart AC, Cossar RD, Wilkinson AL, Scott N, Dietze P, , Quinn B, Kinner S, Walker S, Curtis M, Butler T, Ogloff J, Aitken C, Stoové M. Psychiatric well-being among men leaving prison reporting a history of injecting drug use: A prospective cohort analysis. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2022;56(8):1034-1043. doi: 10.1177/00048674211048143

Stewart AC, Cossar RD, Wilkinson AL, Quinn B, Dietze P, Walker S, Butler T, Curtis M, Aitken C, Kirwan A, Winter R, Ogloff J, Kinner S, Stoové M. The Prison and Transition Health (PATH) cohort study: Prevalence of health, social, and crime characteristics after release from prison for men reporting a history of injecting drug use in Victoria, Australia. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2021; 227:108970. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.108970

Stewart AC, Cossar RD, Walker S, Wilkinson AL, Quinn B, Dietze P, Winter R, Kirwan A, Curtis M, Ogloff J, Kinner S, Aitken C, Butler T, Woods E, Stoové M. Strategies to maximise study retention and limit attrition bias in a prospective cohort study of men reporting a history of injecting drug use released from prison: The Prison and Transition Health study. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2021; 21(1):185. doi: 10.1186/s12874-021-01380-0

Palmer A, Wilkinson A, Aitken C, Dietze P, Dore G, Maher L, Sacks-Davis R, Stoové M, Wilson D, Hellard M, Scott N. Estimating the annual number of new hepatitis C infections in Australia. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2021.

Seear K, Fomiatti R, Fraser S, Moore D, Aitken C. Consumption in contrast: The politics of comparison in healthcare practitioners’ accounts of men who inject performance and image-enhancing drugs. International Journal of Drug Policy 2020; 85: 102883.

Fomiatti R, Fraser S, Seear K, Moore D, Aitken C. Is another relationship possible? Connoisseurship and the doctor–patient relationship for men who consume performance and image-enhancing drugs. Social Science & Medicine 2020; 246:112720.

Fomiatti R, Lenton E, Latham J, Fraser S, Seear K, Aitken C, Maintaining the healthy body: Blood management and hepatitis C prevention among men who inject performance and image-enhancing drugs. International Journal of Drug Policy 2019; 75:102592. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2019.10.016

Fomiatti R, Latham J, Fraser S, Seear K, Moore D, Aitken C. A ‘messenger of sex’? Making testosterone matter in motivations for anabolic-androgenic steroid injecting. Health Sociology Review 2019.

Hellard M, Schroeder SE, Pedrana A, Doyle A, Aitken C, The elimination of hepatitis C as a public health threat. Cold Spring Harbour Perspectives in Medicine 2019. doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a036939

Kirwan A, Curtis M, Kinner SA, Dietze P, Butler T, Ogloff J, Aitken C, Stoové M, The Prison and Transition Health (PATH) Cohort Study: study protocol and baseline characteristics of a cohort of Australian prisoners with a history of injecting drug use. Journal of Urban Health 2019; 96(3):400–410

Latham J, Fomiatti R, Fraser S, Seear K, Moore D, Aitken C. Working out in makeover culture: men’s performance and image-enhancing drug use as self-transformation. Australian Feminist Studies 2019; 34:149-164.

O’Keefe D, Aitken C, Dietze P, Response to Kwon et al., Estimating the number of people who inject drugs and syringe coverage in Australia, 2005-2016, Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2019; 207:107800.

O’Keefe D, Bluthenthal R, Kral A, Aitken C, McCormack A, Dietze P, Individual-level needle and syringe coverage measurement as an international harm reduction planning and monitoring tool. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2019; 97:605–611.

Agius P, Aitken CK, Breen C, Dietze PM, Repeat participation in annual cross-sectional surveys and its implications for analysis. BMC Research Notes 2018; 11:349.

Cossar R, Curtis M, Kirwan A, Kinner SA, Dietze P, Butler T, Ogloff J, Aitken C, Stoové M, Associations of poor psychiatric well-being among incarcerated men with injecting drug use histories in Victoria, Australia. Health & Justice 2018; 6:1. doi: 10.1186/s40352-018-0059-4

Curtis M, Dietze P, Aitken C, Kirwan A, Kinner S, Butler T, Stoové M, Acceptability of prison-based take home naloxone programs among a cohort of incarcerated men with a history of regular injecting drug use. Harm Reduction Journal 2018; 15:48.

O’Keefe D, Aitken C, Dietze P, Should sterile needle and syringe wastage be included within individual-level needle and syringe coverage measures? International Journal of Drug Policy 2018; 60:8-9. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2018.07.011

O’Keefe D, Aung SM, Pasricha N, Wun T, Linn SK, Lin N, Aitken C, Hughes C, Dietze P, Measuring individual-level needle and syringe coverage among people who inject drugs in Myanmar. International Journal of Drug Policy 2018; 58:22-30. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2018.04.010

O’Keefe D, Scott N, Aitken C, Dietze P, Analysis of time of drug use according to needle and syringe program operating hours in Melbourne, Australia: effects on individual-level needle and syringe coverage. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2018; 191:259-265. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2018.07.007

O’Keefe D, Wilkinson A, Aitken C, Dietze P, Geo-spatial analysis of individual-level needle and syringe coverage in Melbourne, Australia. PLoS One 2018; 13(12): e0209280.

Stone J, Fraser H, Lim A, Walker J, Ward Z, MacGregor L, Trickey A, Abbott S, Strathdee S, Abramovitz D, Maher L, Iversen J, Bruneau J, Zang G, Garfein R, Yen Y, Azim T, Mehta S, Milloy M-J, Hellard M, Sacks-Davis R, Dietze P, Aitken C, Aladashvili M, Tsertsvadze T, Mrav?ík V, Alary M, Roy E, Smyrnov P, Sazonova Y, Young A, Havens J, Hope V, Desai M, Heinsbroek E, Hutchinson S, Palmateer N, McAuley A, Platt L, Martin N, Altice F, Hickman M, Vickerman P, Incarceration history and risk of HIV and hepatitis C virus acquisition among people who inject drugs: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Infectious Diseases 18(12):1397-1409. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(18)30469-9

Aitken C, Agius P, Higgs P, Stoové M, Bowden S, Dietze P, The effect of needle-sharing and opioid substitution therapy on incidence of hepatitis C virus infection and reinfection in people who inject drugs. Epidemiology & Infection  2017; 145(4):796-801. doi: 10.1017/S0950268816002892

O’Keefe D, Scott N, Aitken C, Dietze P, Assessing individual-level needle and syringe coverage parameters and the measurement of coverage in Melbourne, Australia: Methods and impacts. Journal of Public Health 2017; Dec 21.

O’Keefe D, Bowring, A, Aitken C, Dietze P, The association between intentional overdose and same-sex sexual intercourse amongst a cohort of people who inject drugs in Melbourne, Australia. Substance Use and Misuse 2017; Sep 29:1-8. doi: 10.1080/10826084.2017.1363240

O’Keefe D, McCormack A, Cogger S, Aitken C, Burns L, Bruno R, Alati R, Salom C, Stafford J, Butler K, Breen C, Dietze P, How does the use of multiple needles/syringes per injecting episode impact on the measurement of individual level needle and syringe program coverage? International Journal of Drug Policy 2017; 46:99–106

O’Keefe D, Scott N, Aitken C, Dietze P, Longitudinal analysis of change in individual-level needle and syringe coverage amongst a cohort of people who inject drugs in Melbourne, Australia. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.02.013

Scott N, Carrotte ER, Higgs P, Cogger S, Stoove MA, Aitken C, Dietze PM, Longitudinal predictors of change in self-reported personal wellbeing in a cohort of people who inject drugs. PLoS One 2017. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0178474

McCormack AR, Aitken CK, Burns LA, Cogger S, Dietze PM, Syringe stockpiling by people who inject drugs: an evaluation of current measures for needle and syringe program coverage. American Journal of Epidemiology 2016; 183(9):852-6. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwv259

O’Keefe D, Scott N, Aitken C, Dietze P Individual-level needle and syringe coverage in Melbourne, Australia: a longitudinal, descriptive analysis. BMC Health Services Research 2016; 16(1):411. doi: 10.1186/s12913-016-1668-z.

Scott N, Higgs P, Caulkins JP, Aitken C, Cogger S, Dietze P, The introduction of CCTV and associated changes in heroin purchase and injection settings in Footscray, Victoria, Australia. Journal of Experimental Criminology 2016; 12:265. doi: 10.1007/s11292-016-9259-x

Scott N, Carrotte ER, Higgs P, Cogger S, Stoové MA, Aitken CK, Dietze PM, Predictors of changes in psychological distress in a longitudinal cohort of people who inject drugs in Melbourne Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2016; 168:140–146 2016; 168:140-146. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2016.08.638.

Hellard M, McBryde E, Sacks-Davis R, Rolls D, Higgs P, Aitken C, Thompson A, Doyle J, Pattison P, Robins G, Hepatitis C transmission and treatment as prevention – the role of the injecting network. International Journal of Drug Policy 2015; S0955-3959(15)0139-5

Higgs P, Aitken C, Sacks-Davis R, Hellard M, How ‘hidden’ are unobserved networks in people who inject drugs? American Journal of Public Health 2015; 105(6):e3. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2015.302667

Horyniak D, Stoové M, Degenhardt L, Aitken C, Agius P, Reddel S, Hickman M, Dietze P, Patterns and factors associated with illicit pharmaceutical opioid analgesic use in a prospective cohort of people who inject drugs in Melbourne, Australia. Substance Use & Misuse 2015; DOI: 10.3109/10826084.2015.1027928

Horyniak D, Stoové M, Degenhardt L, Aitken C, Kerr T, Hickman M, Dietze P, How do drug market changes affect characteristics of injecting initiation and subsequent patterns of drug use? Findings from regular injectors in Melbourne, Australia. International Journal of Drug Policy 2015; 26(1):43-50. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2014.09.002. Epub 2014 Sep 17

Hellard M, Rolls D, Sacks-Davis, Robins G, Pattison P, Higgs P, Aitken C, McBryde E, The impact of injecting networks on hepatitis C transmission and treatment in people who inject drugs. Hepatology 2014; Aug 28. doi: 10.1002/hep.27403

Flynn JK, Sacks Davis R, Higgs P, Aitken C, Moneer S, Suppiah V, Tracy L, Ffrench R, Bowden S, Drummer H, George J, Bharadwaj M, Hellard M, Detection of HCV-specific IFN-gamma responses in HCV antibody and HCV RNA negative injecting drug users Hepatitis Monthly 2014; 14(1): e14678

Dietze P, Jenkinson R, Aitken C, Stoové M, Jolley D, Hickman M, Kerr T, The relationship between alcohol use and injecting drug use: impacts on health, crime and wellbeing. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2013; 128:111-115 doi:

Horyniak D, Higgs P, Jenkinson R, Degenhardt L, Stoove M, Kerr T, Hickman M, Aitken C, Dietze P, Establishing the Melbourne Injecting Drug User Cohort Study (MIX): Rationale, methods, and baseline and twelve-month follow-up results. Harm Reduction Journal 2013; 10:11

Lenton E, White B, Aitken C, Hellard C, Higgs P, Preventing hepatitis C virus transmission among young people in the justice system, Children and Youth Services Review 2013; 35:834-36

O’Keefe D, Aitken C, Higgs P, Dietze P, A response to: Self-reported and actual hepatitis C virus infection status. Drug and Alcohol Review 2013; 32(1):107. doi: 10.1111/dar.12001

Sacks-Davis R, Aitken C, Higgs, Spelman T, Pedrana A, Bowden S, Bharadwaj M, Nivarthi U, Suppiah V, George J, Grebely J, Drummer H, Hellard M, High rates of hepatitis C virus reinfection and spontaneous clearance of reinfection in people who inject drugs: a prospective cohort study. (PLOS ONE, accepted 2 Oct 2013)

Winter RJ, Dietze P, Gouillou M, Hellard M, Robinson P, Aitken C, Hepatitis B virus exposure and vaccination in a cohort of people who inject drugs: What has been the impact of targeted free vaccination? Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2013; 28(2):314-22. doi: 10.1111/jgh.12063

Aitken C, Kerr T, Hickman M, Higgs P, Stoove M, Dietze P, A cross-sectional study of emergency department visits by people who inject drugs. Emergency Medicine Journal 2012; 30(5):421-2. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2012-201170

Gold J, Lim M, Hellard M, Aitken C, Public-private partnerships for health promotion: the experiences of the S5 project. American Journal of Health Education 2012; 43(4):250-253(4)

Lim M, Bowring A, Gold J, Aitken C, Hellard M, Trends in sexual behaviour, testing, and knowledge in young people, 2005 to 2011. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2012; 39(11):831-834

Lim MSC, Hocking JS, Aitken CK, Fairley CK, Jordan L, Lewis JE, Hellard ME, A randomised controlled trial of the impact of text and email messaging on the sexual health of young people. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2012; 66(1):69-74

O’Keefe D, Aitken C, Higgs P, Dietze P, Concordance between self-reported and actual hepatitis C virus infection status in a cohort of people who inject drugs. Drug and Alcohol Review 2012 doi: 10.1111/j.1465-3362.2012.00502.x

Sacks-Davis R, Daraganova G, Aitken C, Higgs P, Tracy L, Bowden S, Jenkinson R, Rolls D, Pattison P, Robins G, Grebely J, Barry A, Hellard M, Hepatitis C phylogeny is associated with the social-injecting network in a cohort of people who inject drugs. PLOS ONE 7(10): e47335. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0047335

Vickerman P, Grebely J, Dore GJ, Sacks-Davis R, Page K, Hickman M, Aitken CK, Hellard M, on behalf of the InC Collaborative Group, The more you look the more you find – modelling the effects of hepatitis C virus testing interval on re-infection incidence and clearance among injecting drug users. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2012; 205(9):1342-1350

Fry T, Grahlmann L, Masters T, Pellegrini B, Aitken C, Understanding the motivations of contraband tobacco smokers. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 2011; 18(5):387-392

Gibbie T, Hides L, Cotton S, Hellard M, Aitken C, Lubman D, The relationship between personality disorders and mental health, substance use severity and quality of life among injecting drug users. Medical Journal of Australia 2011; 195(3):S16-21

Gold J, Aitken CK, Dixon HG, Lim MSC, Gouillou M, Spelman T, Wakefield M, Hellard ME. A randomised controlled trial using mobile advertising to promote safer sex and sun safety to young people. Health Education Research 2011 doi: 10.1093/her/cyr020

Miles JJ, Dungtawan Thammanichanond D, Moneer S, Kiranmayee Nivarthi U, Kjer-Nielsen L, Tracy SL, Aitken CK, Brennan RM, Weiguang Z, Marquart L, Jackson D, Burrows SR, Bowden DS, Torresi J, Hellard M, Rossjohn J, McCluskey J, Bharadwaj M, Antigen-driven patterns of T-cell receptor bias are shared across diverse outcomes of human hepatitis C virus infection. The Journal of Immunology 2011; 186(2):901-12

Horyniak D, Higgs P, Lewis J, Winter R, Aitken C, Evaluation of a heroin overdose prevention and education campaign in Victoria, Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review 2010; 29:5-11

Lim M, Hellard M, Hocking J, Spelman T, Aitken C, Surveillance of drug use among young people attending a music festival in Australia, 2005-08. Drug and Alcohol Review 2010; 29:150-156

Lim MSC, Sacks-Davis R, Aitken CK, Hocking JS, Hellard ME, A randomised controlled trial of paper, online and SMS diaries for collecting sexual behaviour information from young people. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2010; 64:885-9

Sacks-Davis R, Gold J, Aitken C, Hellard M, Home based chlamydia testing of young people – who will pee and post? BMC Public Health 2010; 10:376

Aitken C, Lewis J, Hocking J, Bowden S, Hellard M, Does information about IDUs’ injecting networks predict exposure to the hepatitis C virus? Hepatitis Monthly 2009; 9(1):17-23

Aitken C, Dwyer R, Spelman T, Power R, Is handedness associated with health status for people who inject illicit drugs? Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 2009; 16(5):471-477

Aitken C, Fry T, Farrell L, Pellegrini B, Smokers of illicit tobacco report significantly worse health than other smokers. Nicotine and Tobacco Research 2009; 11(8):996-1001. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntp102

Bharadwaj M, Thammanichanond D, Aitken C, Torresi J, Moneer S, Drummer H, Bowden S, Jackson D, Hellard M, McCluskey J, TCD8 response in diverse outcomes of recurrent exposure to Hepatitis C virus. Immunology and Cell Biology 2009; 87(6):464-72

Dwyer R, Topp L, Maher L, Power R, Hellard M, Walsh N, Jauncey M, Conroy A, Lewis J, Aitken C, Prevalences and correlates of non-viral injecting-related injuries and diseases in a convenience sample of Australian injecting drug users. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2009; 100:9-16. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2008.08.016

Li S, Hamann A, Floess S, Silvana G, Lucas A, Hellard M, Roberts S, Paukovic G, Plebanski M, Loveland B, Aitken C, Barry S, Schofield L, Gowans E, Analysis of FOXP3+ regulatory T cells that display apparent viral antigen specificity during chronic hepatitis C virus infection. PLOS Pathogens 2009; 5(12):e1000707

Lim M, Hellard M, Aitken C, Hocking J, Surveillance of sexual behaviour among young people attending a music festival in Australia, 2005-08. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 2009; 33(5):482-484

Lim M, Hocking J, Aitken C, Hellard M, Differences between young people’s self-reported sexual experience and their perceptions of ‘normality’. Sexual Health 2009; 6(2):171-172

Miller E, Hellard M, Bowden S, Bharadwaj M, Aitken C, Markers and risk factors for HCV, HBV and HIV in a network of injecting drug users in Melbourne, Australia. Journal of Infection 2009; 58:375-382

Reid G, Aitken C, Advocacy for harm reduction in China: a new era dawns. International Journal of Drug Policy 2009; 20(4):365-370

Sweeney R, Conroy A, Dwyer R, Aitken C, The economic burden to the public health system of treating injecting related injury and disease in Australia (a cost of illness analysis). Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 2009; 33(4):352-357

Aitken C, Lewis J, Tracy S, Bowden S, Bharadwaj M, Drummer H, Spelman T, Hellard M, High incidence of hepatitis C virus reinfection in a cohort of injecting drug users. Hepatology 2008; 48(6):1746-52. doi: 10.1002/hep.22534

Aitken C, Power R, Dwyer R, A very low response rate in an on-line survey of medical practitioners. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 2008; 32(3):288-289

Aitken C, Wain D, Lubman D, Hides L & Hellard M, Mental health screening among IDUs outside treatment settings- implications for research and health services. Mental Health and Substance Use: Dual Diagnosis 2008; 1(2):99-103.

Aitken C, Fry T, Grahlmann L, Masters T, Health perceptions of home-grown tobacco (chop-chop) smokers. Nicotine and Tobacco Research 2008; 10(3):413-416

Aitken C, Higgs P, Hellard M, Buprenorphine injection in Melbourne, Australia – an update. Drug and Alcohol Review 2008; 27(2):197-199.

Aitken C, Tracy S, Revill P, Bharadwaj M, Bowden S, Winter R, Hellard M, Consecutive infections with different hepatitis C virus genotypes in an injecting drug user. Journal of Clinical Virology 2008; 41(4);293-296

Aitken C, Higgs P, Bowden S, Differences in the social networks of ethnic Vietnamese and non-Vietnamese injecting drug users and their implications for blood-borne virus transmission. Epidemiology & Infection 2008; 136:410-6

Lim M, Hocking J, Hellard M, Aitken C, A cross-sectional survey of young people attending a music festival: associations between drug use and musical preference. Drug and Alcohol Review 2008; 27;439-41

Lim MSC, Hocking JS, Hellard ME, Aitken C, SMS STI: A review of the uses of mobile phone text messaging in sexual health. International Journal of STD and AIDS 2008; 19:287-290

Pankonin C, Higgs P, Reid G, Aitken C, Selling Syringes to IDUs: A study of five pharmacies in Hanoi, Vietnam. Journal of Infection in Developing Countries 2008; 2(1):51-58.

Pedrana A, Aitken C, Higgs P, Hellard M, Blood borne viruses and risk behaviours among transient farm workers in rural Victoria. Australian Journal of Rural Health 2008; 16 (3):143-149.

Stoove M, Dietze P, Aitken C, Jolley D, Mortality among injecting drug users in Melbourne: a 16-year follow-up of the VICS cohort. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2008; 96:281-285.

Thammanichanond D, Yotnda P, Aitken C, Earnest-Silveira L, Jackson D, Hellard M, McCluskey J, Torresi J, Bharadwaj M, Fiber-modified recombinant adenoviral constructs encoding hepatitis C virus proteins induce potent HCV-specific T cell response. Clinical Immunology 2008; 128 ( 3): 329-39

Winter R, Nguyen O, Higgs P, Armstrong S, Duong D, Thach M, Aitken C, Hellard M, Integrating enhanced hepatitis C testing and counselling in research. International Journal of Drug Policy 2008; 19(1):66-70.


Aitken CK, Bharadwaj M, Bowden DS, Hellard ME, Molecular epidemiology of the hepatitis C virus in a social network of injecting drug users: an update. Sociedad Iberoamericana de Informacion Cientifica (Salud): Expertos Invitados, 3rd May 2007 (

Horyniak D, Armstrong S, Higgs P, Wain D, Aitken C, ‘Poor Man’s Smack’: A qualitative study of buprenorphine injecting in Melbourne, Australia. Contemporary Drug Problems 2007; 34:525-548

Hellard M, Hocking J, Aitken C,Tattooing in prisons – not such a pretty picture. American Journal of Infection Control 2007; 35:477-80. doi: 10.1016/j.ajic.2006.08.002

Lim M, Hellard M, Aitken C, Hocking J,Sexual risk behaviour, self-perceived risk and knowledge of sexually transmissible infections among young Australians attending a music festival. Sexual Health 2007; 4(1):51-56

Lim MSC, Sundaram K, Aitken CK, Hellard ME, Blood-borne Viruses and Risk Behaviours among Injecting Drug Users attending Needle and Syringe Programs in Victoria’s Eastern Metropolitan Region. Australian Journal of Primary Health 2007; 13 (3):69-76

Hides K, Lubman DI, Devlin H, Cotton S, Aitken C, Gibbie T, Hellard M, The reliability and validity of the K10 and PHQ amongst injecting drug users. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2007; 41:166-168


Higgs P, Moore D, Aitken CK, Engagement, reciprocity and advocacy: Ethical harm reduction practice in research with injecting drug users. Drug and Alcohol Review 2006; 25(5):419-23

Lim M, Hellard M, Aitken CK,The case of the disappearing teaspoons: a longitudinal cohort study of the displacement of teaspoons in an Australian research institute. British Medical Journal, 2005; 331:1498-1500. doi: 10.1136/bmj.331.7531.1498


Bowden S, McCaw R, White P, Crofts N, Aitken CK, Detection of multiple hepatitis C virus genotypes in a cohort of injecting drug users. Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 2005; 12:322-324


Aitken CK, Bowden S, McCaw R, Jardine D, Hellard M, Higgs P, Nguyen O, Crofts N, Change in hepatitis C virus genotype in injecting drug users. Journal of Medical Virology, 2004; 74 (4):543-545

Aitken CK, McCaw R, Bowden S, Tracy SL, Kelsall J, Higgs P, Kerger M, Nguyen H, Crofts N, Molecular epidemiology of the hepatitis C virus in a social network of injecting drug users. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2004; 190(9):1586-1595

Aitken CK, Bowden S, Hellard M, Crofts N, Indications of immune protection from hepatitis C infection. Journal of Urban Health 2004; 81(1):58-60

Kemp R, Aitken CK, The development of New Zealand’s Needle and Syringe Exchange Programme. International Journal of Drug Policy, 2004; 15(3):202-206

Hellard ME, Aitken CK, HIV in prison: what are the risks and what can be done? Sexual Health, 2004; 2:107-13


Hellard M, Aitken CK, Mackintosh A, Ridge A, Bowden S, An investigation of hepatitis C and commercial body piercing in Victoria, Australia. American Journal of Infection Control 2003; 31(4):215-220


Aitken CK, Delalande C, Stanton K, Pumping iron, risking infection? Exposure to hepatitis C, hepatitis B and HIV among anabolic-androgenic steroid injectors in Victoria, Australia. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2002; 65(3):303-308.

Aitken CK, Moore D, Higgs P, Kelsall J, Kerger M, The impact of a police crackdown on a street drug scene: evidence from the street. International Journal of Drug Policy 2002; 13(3):189-198

Aitken CK, Delalande C, A Public Health initiative for steroid users in Victoria. Australian Journal of Primary Health 2002; 8(2):21-23.

Aitken CK, Kerger M, Crofts N, Peer-delivered hepatitis C testing and counselling – a means of improving the health of injecting drug users. Drug and Alcohol Review 2002; 21(1):33-38.

Aitken CK, Higgs P, Severe vein damage caused by Temezepam injecting. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 2002; 26(1):79.


Reid G, Aitken C, Beyer L, Crofts N. Ethnic communities’ vulnerability to involvement with illicit drugs. Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy 2001; 8(4):359-374.

Reid G, Beyer L, Aitken CK, Crofts N, Markers of ethnicity and their effect on measuring illicit drug use by ethnic groups. Drug and Alcohol Review 2001; 20(3):309-317.

2000 and earlier

Aitken CK, Kerger M, Crofts N, Drivers who use illicit drugs: behaviour and perceived risks. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 2000; 7(1):39-50.

Aitken CK, Brough R, Crofts N, Injecting drug use and blood-borne viruses: a comparison of rural and urban Victoria, 1991-1995, Drug and Alcohol Review 1999; 18(1):47-52.

Watson R, Crofts N, Mitchell C, Aitken C, Hocking J, Thompson S, Risk factors for hepatitis C transmission in the Victorian population: a telephone survey. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 1999; 23(6):622-626.

Crofts N, Aitken CK, Kaldor J, Reply to comment on ‘The force of numbers: …’ [MJA 170(5):220-1], Medical Journal of Australia 1999; 171(3):165.

Crofts N, Aitken CK, Kaldor J, The force of numbers: why hepatitis C is spreading among Australian injecting drug users while HIV is not. Medical Journal of Australia 1999; 170(5):220-1.

Linger H, Burstein F, Zaslavsky A, Aitken C, Crofts N, Conceptual development of an information systems framework for improving continuity in epidemiological research. European Journal of Epidemiology 1998; 14:587-93.

Delalande C, Aitken CK, Mercuri P, Stanton K, Risky practices among people who inject steroids. Medical Journal of Australia 1998; 169(1):62.

McGeorge J, Aitken CK, Effects of cannabis decriminalisation in the Australian Capital Territory on university students’ patterns of use. Journal of Drug Issues 1997; 27(4):785-794.

Aitken CK, Comment on ‘Environmental Damage: Pricing and Public Perception’ [AGS 34(2)]. Australian Geographical Studies 1997; 35(2):233-234.

Crofts N, Aitken CK, Risk behaviours for and incidence of blood-borne viruses in a cohort of injecting drug users. Medical Journal of Australia 1997; 167(1):17-20.

Aitken CK, Ironmonger, DS, Social impacts of the domestic microwave oven. Prometheus 1996; 14(2): 17-20.

Aitken CK, Ironmonger DS, Household Expenditure Surveys. Australian Economic Review 1995; 112:86-88.

Aitken CK, Ironmonger DS, Household Time Use Surveys. Australian Economic Review 1995; 112:89-92.

Donath, S, Ironmonger DS, Aitken CK, Random time sampling. Australian Geographical Studies 1995; 33(2):308-312.

Ironmonger DS, Aitken CK, Erbas, B, Economies of scale in energy use in adult-only households. Energy Economics 1995; 17(4):301-310.

Aitken CK, A review of public involvement methodology. Transactions of Multi-Disciplinary Engineering 1994; 1:57-62.

Aitken CK, Wearing AJ, Finlayson BL, McMahon TA, Residential water use: predicting and reducing consumption. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 1994; 24(2):136-158.

Aitken CK, Finlayson BL, McMahon TA, Maximising participation rates in mail surveys, Australian Geographical Studies 1992; 30(2):222-227.

Aitken CK, Duncan H, McMahon TA, A cross-sectional regression analysis of residential water demand in Melbourne, Australia. Applied Geography 1991; 11(2):157-165.

Other publications

Aitken CK, Hellard M, Hepatitis C virus clearance. Junkmail (in press)

Horyniak D, Pedrana A Hellard M, Aitken CK, Feeling fruity: Risk behaviours and blood borne virus exposure among transient workers in rural Victoria. ANEX Bulletin 2008; 6(2):3.

Aitken CK, If sexual transmission of HCV exists, can we observe it in gay men? ASHM Journal Club, June 2006

Aitken CK, Lifting your game. Meanjin, 2002, May, 217-224.

Aitken CK, Delalande C, Stanton K, Hepatitis C among steroid injectors in Victoria. In Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre,Victorian Drug Statistics Handbook 1999; patterns of drug use and related harm in Victoria. Victorian Department of Human Services, Melbourne, 2002, p.71

Aitken CK, Delalande C, Are people who inject steroids risking blood-borne virus infection? Victorian Infectious Diseases Bulletin, 1999, 2(3), p.54.

Book chapters

Hellard M, Aitken C, Horyniak D, Epidemiology among injecting drug users. In Dore G, Temple-Smith M, (eds), Hepatitis C: an Australian Perspective (2nd ed). IP Communications, Melbourne, 2009.

Aitken CK, Australian Hepatitis Council, Australian Intravenous League (AIVL), Bowden S, Crofts N, Macdonald M, NSW Hepatitis C Council, Sievert B, Victorian Hepatitis C Helpline, Ch 1. Hepatitis C – All About The Virus. In Jones J. (ed), National hepatitis C resource manual. Department of Human Services and Health, Canberra,2001.

Aitken CK, AHC, AIVL, Boyce N, Carruthers S, Chen R, Crofts N, Locarnini S, Loveday S, Mackintosh A, McDonald M, NH&MRC Guidelines, Ridge A, Sansom D, Speed T, Woodruff J, Chapter 3 – Reducing Hepatitis C Transmission in the Community. In Jones J. (ed), National hepatitis C resource manual. Department of Human Services and Health, Canberra,2001.

Aitken CK,Cabassi J, Delalande C, Equal Opportunity Commission Victoria, Harvey P, Higgs P, Jones J, Orcher H, Richmond J, Ward J, Savage J. Ch 7. Preventing Discrimination and Reducing Stigma and Isolation. In Jones J. (ed), National hepatitis C resource manual. Department of Human Services and Health, Canberra,2001.

Hocking J, Crofts N, Aitken CK, MacDonald M, Epidemiology among injecting drug users. In Crofts N, Dore G, Locarnini S (eds), Hepatitis C: an Australian Perspective. IP Communications, Melbourne, 2001.

Ironmonger DS, Aitken CK, Erbas B, Economies of Scale in Energy Use in Adult-Only Households, in P. Stevens (ed.), The Economics of Energy, Edward Elgar, London, 1998.

Reports, briefing papers, submissions

Aitken CK, Winter R, Review of New Zealand’s Needle Exchange Programme: Final Report. New Zealand Ministry of Health, Wellington, 2008.

Dwyer R, Horyniak D, Dietze P, Aitken C, Higgs P, People who Drink in Public Spaces in the Footscray CBD, Report to Maribyrnong Council; Macfarlane Burnet Institute for Medical Research and Public Health, Melbourne, 2008

Lenton E, White B, Higgs P, Aitken C, Hellard M, Supporting young people at risk of hepatitis C infection: A pilot of an individualised, structured intervention to reduce the negative health consequences for young people who have had contact with the criminal justice system. Report to the Department of Human Services, Victoria; Macfarlane Burnet Institute for Medical Research and Public Health, Melbourne, 2007

Dwyer R, Power R, Topp L, Maher L, Lloyd B, Najman J, Conroy A, Kemp R, Walsh N, Sweeney R, Harris A and Aitken CThe IRID Project: An exploratory study of non-viral injecting-related injuries and diseases among Australian injecting drug users. Report to Queensland Health; Macfarlane Burnet Institute for Medical Research and Public Health, Melbourne, 2007.

Higgs P, Lewis J, Winter R, Horyniak D, Aitken CEvaluation of Heroin Overdose Prevention and Education Campaign. Report to the Department of Human Services, Victoria; Macfarlane Burnet Institute for Medical Research and Public Health, Melbourne, 2007.

Winter R, Liddell S, Wain D, Aitken C, Power R, Local Solutions for Public Drug Use. Report to the Department of Human Services, Victoria; Macfarlane Burnet Institute for Medical Research and Public Health, Melbourne, 2007.

Aitken C, Leser M, Vu T, Higgs P, Hellard M, Evaluation of the Victorian component of the 1999 Budget Initiative: Hepatitis C Education and Prevention Program. Report to the Department of Human Services, Victoria; Macfarlane Burnet Institute for Medical Research and Public Health, Melbourne, 2003.

Aitken CK, A Rapid Situation Assessment of injecting drug use and blood-borne viruses in the Eastern Metropolitan Region. Report to Whitehorse Community Health Service; Macfarlane Burnet Institute for Medical Research and Public Health, Melbourne, 2003.

Aitken CK, New Zealand Needle and Syringe Exchange Programme Review: Final Report. New Zealand Ministry of Health, Wellington, 2002.

Hellard M, Aitken C, Mackintosh A, Ridge A, Bowden S, Crofts N, A report on infection control practices and knowledge of hepatitis C virus among body piercing practitioners in Victoria.Environmental Health, 2002, 2(4), 79-93.

Dietze P, Richards J, Rumbold G, Aitken C, Day C, McGregor C, Ritter A, Treatment utilisation by heroin dependent persons in Australia: implications for treatment service systems. Final Report, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, Fitzroy, 2002.

Kelsall J, Higgs P, Hocking J, Aitken C & Crofts N, The Vietnamese Harm Reduction Project: Stage 2. The Centre for Harm Reduction, Macfarlane Burnet Centre for Medical Research, 2001.

Crofts N, Aitken CK, Injecting drug use and infectious disease: the nature and extent of the problem in Victoria and viable measures to address it. Report to the Parliamentary Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee, Victorian Government; The Centre for Harm Reduction, Macfarlane Burnet Centre for Medical Research, 1999.

Aitken CK, Indicators of poverty and socio-economic status for people living with and/or at risk of hepatitis C. Briefing paper for the Australian National Council on AIDS and Related Diseases / Inter-Governmental Council on AIDS and Related Diseases’ Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group, 1999.

Aitken CK, Kerger M, Crofts N, Qualitative and quantitative research on drivers who use illicit drugs: final report to VicRoads. Centre for Harm Reduction, The Macfarlane Burnet Centre for Medical Research, Fairfield, 1998.

Aitken CK, Brough R, Milner R, Crofts N, An investigation of injecting drug use in the Western District of Victoria. First report to the A.L. Lane Foundation, the H.V. McKay Charitable Trust, and The Ray and Joyce Uebergang Foundation. Epidemiology and Social Research Unit, Macfarlane Burnet Centre for Medical Research, Fairfield, 1997.

Crofts N, Aitken CK, McGeorge J, Watson R, A lasting peace: towards a rational drug policy. Submission to the Premier’s Drug Advisory Council, Macfarlane Burnet Centre for Medical Research, Fairfield, 1996.

Aitken CK, Benchmarking and best practice for urban waterway management. Urban Water Research Association of Australia Report WR-31, 1995.

Ironmonger DS, Aitken CK, Erbas B, Economies of scale of energy use in adult-only households. Research Paper No. 438, Department of Economics, University of Melbourne, 1994.

Aitken CK, Public involvement in decision-making: is further research warranted? Research Report 93/2, Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology, 1993.

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